
Take advantage of the 401(k) Plan and save for the future:

401(k) Plan

Assurant offers several ways for you to save for retirement through either a pretax, Roth, or traditional after-tax 401(k) option. It is never too early (or too late) to start saving for retirement. The Assurant 401(k) Plan can be one source of your total retirement income, along with Social Security and your personal savings. Here are some features of the Plan:

Employer-sponsored retirement savings plan.

You can make pretax, Roth, and/or traditional after-tax contributions after 30 days of employment.

Company matching contributions:

  • Assurant matches $1 for every $1 you contribute into your pretax and/or Roth  401(k) account, up to six percent of eligible pay combined.
  • Are made each pay period and invested according to your investment elections.
  • 100% vested after two years of service.

Diverse investment selection:

  • Assurant offers you a choice of investments, making it easier to choose funds for your retirement savings. No matter your level of investing experience, you can create a portfolio that fits your investment objective, time horizon and comfort with risk.
  • More information on funds can be found by logging into Vanguard’s website > Research Funds > Funds in My Plan.

Ability to accumulate savings.

Vanguard One Step offering:

  • Employees are eligible to participate in the 401(k) Plan after 30 days of employment.
  • If no action is taken, employees are automatically enrolled into the 401(k) Plan at three percent pretax contribution rate.
  • If enrolled automatically through One Step, the pretax contribution rate increases each year in January up to fifteen percent with the auto escalation feature.
  • Contributions are invested in the appropriate Target Retirement Trust for the employee’s age.

If you’re not sure how much to save in the 401(k) Plan, are ready to contribute, want to increase your contributions, or have questions: